Meeting Of Dr. Saleem Janjua, COE-CPEC at International Union For Conservation Nature (IUCN) Office, Islamabad


At International Union for Conservation Nature office, a meeting was held between officials from IUCN and Centre of Excellence CPEC. The purpose of the meeting was to create a liaison between the two institutions and to discuss ideas for future joint projects and collaborations. The meeting started with the formal introduction of CoE-CPEC, and IUCN. A number of projects and future research areas were discussed. The highlight of the meeting was that IUCN has expressed a strong desire to work on future projects and activities. These include
Research on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the 9 Special Economic Zones, Wetlands and Protected Areas along CPEC route.
Periodic seminars mainstreaming Environment in CPEC.
Support for the development of Policy Papers and documentaries.
Research on identifying Biological Corridor along the CPEC can be conducted
Urban Development division headed by Dr. Saleem Janjua is in close collaboration with IUCN and plans to work on prioritized research areas, and policy dissemination activities.