Executive Director CoE CPEC Delivering a Speech on CPEC Long Term Plan

at International Conference on strategic directions in the fields of Governance, Management and Human Resource Management


 CPEC, Centre of Excellence, China Pakistan, Pak-china friendship, COE CPEC, China Pakistan Economic CorridorThe Institute of Administrative Sciences at the University of the Punjab in collaboration with Punjab Economic Research Institute (PERI) held an International Conference on strategic directions in the fields of Governance, Management and Human Resource Management. The conference aimed to provide a venue for academic conversation and scholarly dialogue on the strategic directions that governance mechanisms in the public sector, management of organizations and human resource management practices take due to the peculiarities in the culture and context of countries in Asia and beyond, especially in light of the game-changer ‘China Pakistan Economic Corridor’ (CPEC).

In this International Conference, Executive Director Centre of Excellence CPEC presented his views on CPEC Long Term Plan.